Diabetes management involves looking at multiple aspects of health, including diet and exercise levels. People with diabetes can work with their doctors and other specialists to create a treatment plan that fits their needs.
Researchers are still working to understand what diet choices align with the best outcomes for people with diabetes. One area of interest is the intake of carbohydrates in the diet.
A recent study published in Diabetes Care found that following a low-carbohydrate diet may benefit people with type 2 diabetes.
Researchers found that following a low carbohydrate diet with high-quality macronutrients was associated with a lower mortality risk among people with type 2 diabetes.
Diabetes and diet
Diabetes is a chronic condition that involves irregularities with the hormone insulin. In someone without diabetes, the body releases insulin so that the glucose from food can enter the body’s cells. From here, the cells can use the glucose for energy.
In someone with diabetes, the body’s response to or the amount of insulin changes. Glucose remains in the bloodstream at higher levels than in people without diabetes.
Diabetes can lead to long-term complications, so people with diabetes need to take proper management steps. A key component of diabetes management is diet.
Carbohydrates break down to glucose, meaning that people with diabetes need to be aware of the carbohydrates consumed and how they can impact blood glucose levels.
Registered dietitian and certified diabetes care and education specialist Nicole Anziani, at Cecelia Health in New York, not involved in the recent study, explained to Medical News Today: “Carbohydrates impact blood sugar levels. Maintaining blood sugar levels by promoting a greater percentage of time in range, without large spikes, helps those living with diabetes stay healthier longer by preventing or delaying diabetes-related complications such as kidney disease, blindness, nerve damage, and blood vessel disease that can lead to heart attacks, strokes, and amputations.”
She added that “consuming healthy carbohydrates like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables is an important part of a healthy eating plan because they can provide both energy and nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, and fiber.”
Written By: Jessica Norris on March 7, 2023 – Fact Checked by Catherine Carver
Medical News Today: Type 2 diabetes: High-quality low-carb diet linked with lower death risk